Firm Overview
Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Carl David Ceder
Carl David Ceder, Attorney at Law, is a Dallas-Fort Worth criminal defense attorney who has dedicated his practice to criminal defense. He has been licensed since 2008, has devoted his entire legal practice to defending the citizen accused, and is passionate about being their legal advocate in court. Quite literally since first obtaining his license to practice law, Carl immediately began the practice of criminal defense. He is very proud to say that he has never worked in any capacity to put people in jail, and has only worked to defend and protect the rights of individuals in Texas. Carl has extensive trial experience and has represented individual clients in a wide variety of legal matters in both state and federal court.
Carl David Ceder is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Carl has also earned the American Chemical Society-Chemistry and the Law (ACS-CHAL) “Forensic-Lawyer” Scientist Designation. This designation is sponsored by ACS-CHAL and is approved for lawyers through Axion Analytical Labs in Chicago, IL. The ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist Designation to lawyers who have met the rigorous criteria and have demonstrated their knowledge of forensic science. The ACS-CHAL designation of Forensic-Lawyer Scientist is the highest form of scientific recognition available to lawyers.
Carl has conducted a wide variety of criminal jury trials, at both the misdemeanor and felony level, working hard to achieve a very high rate of success. Carl prides himself on being an aggressive trial attorney when the situation dictates, with over 50 felony and misdemeanor jury trials handled throughout his legal career. He has conducted criminal jury trials, as lead counsel, in 11 different counties in the State of Texas, and is always ready and willing to pick a jury on a moment’s notice. Carl is proud of his track record of success with obtaining favorable results following a jury trial and has obtained acquittals (“Not Guilty”) verdicts in numerous counties, including multiple in a row in some which are commonly known to be the most notoriously “toughest on crime” in Texas.
Carl represents clients in a broad array of criminal matters, including DWI, all intoxication-related offenses, Drug Cases, Assault, Domestic Violence, Theft, Burglary, Probation Violations, White Collar Crimes, and any and all other criminal offenses. When Carl first meets with a client, they are often stressed, overwhelmed, and have an extreme amount of anxiety. He fully realizes that being arrested and charged with a crime NEVER comes at a convenient time. It usually is not a situation one is prepared for. Most individuals he represents have zero to minimal experience in the trying to navigate through the criminal justice system.
He usually explains to those he represents, when you choose us to work with him and his legal team, you are hiring them to do the WORRYING FOR YOU. Their mission and overall OBJECTIVE is to best help navigate people through the criminal justice system, step by step, in the hope of possibly alleviating some of the fear and worry. Our paramount and ultimate goal is to relieve some of that stress, help you through the process – and ultimately it is our desire to put you in the exact same position you were in, with your life, before you ever came to us.
Areas of Practice
Attorney Carl David Ceder and his office handles literally all types of criminal cases, everything ranging from misdemeanor criminal charges such as DWI, assault, thefts, possession of marijuana – ALL THE WAY UP TO AND INCLUDING the more serious, and often more complex felony crimes such as white-collar offenses, sex assault, aggravated assault, robbery intoxication assault/manslaughter, conspiracy cases – at both the State and Federal level. Carl specifically focuses on the representation of criminal offenses in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, including individuals accused and facing charges in Dallas County, Collin County, Tarrant County, Rockwall County, Denton County, Tarrant County, and many others. Carl has personally handled cases, literally all over the State of Texas, all the way down in San Antonio, from Austin and Central Texas – extending to all areas in North Texas. Throughout his law practice, indeed there is not much that he has not seen or come across, regardless of the type of criminal charge, and/or where it allegedly occurred. He is extremely proud of the wide range of experience he has been able to obtain with his law practice thus far.
Criminal Case Approach
Every person and situation is different, and every criminal case is unique. Carl and his firm do not adhere to a “ONE-SIZED” FITS ALL APPROACH. He and his firm place a high priority is trying to achieve the maximum amount of success, for each client, based on their unique set of circumstances. They realize that their primary responsibility is to be your ADVOCATE in court, to serve as your voice in the criminal justice system.
In the Texas criminal court system, most of the time, people are merely treated as a number (a cause number, citation number, case number, etc.). As such, they treat it as their job, and place a very high emphasis on, striving to replace that number, and reveal behind it an actual person, an individual, and a human being.
His office makes it a primary objective to their very best to humanize people and individuals, who often may find themselves caught up in what can be a very de-humanizing system. Simply put, the field of criminal defense is his passion, and I consider it a PRIVILEGE to represent individuals in court.
Attorney Carl David Ceder takes a vast amount of pride in how much dedication, time, energy, and focus he has put specifically into the field of criminal defense, and in representing the citizen accused of any and all criminal charges. I firmly believe there is absolutely no substitute for hard work, training, and total devotion to one’s craft. Carl grew up the son of a Texas high school football coach, and he believes many of the skills required to be successful in that arena, apply in much the same fashion to the work of a TRIAL LAWYER. Carl has tried to do everything in his power, to the utmost degree, to apply the same fundamental principles to be the most effective “Criminal Defense Trial Attorney” as possible. Carl is a big football and Vince Lombardi fan – and believe he said it best: 1) The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary; AND2) The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.
Carl has literally attempted to do everything he possibly can, through training, learning, intense preparation, and experience, to elevate his skillset as an effective advocate trial attorney. Proper and meticulous preparation is paramount to success in all areas of criminal law, and there is no substitute for hard work, dedication, and most of all – PREPARATION.
Some of Carl’s favorite quotes include:
- Abraham Lincoln: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.”
As such, Carl is constantly trying to learn more, gather more knowledge, increase my experience, hone his skillset – so that he is able to perform as the best advocate possible for those he represents in court. He does this not only because it’s his job, but also because he believes it’s an absolute necessity for achieving success for clients where it counts – IN THE COURTROOM.

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(469) 900-0000