Ceder Law firm

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Ceder Law firm

Many states use a different term what would be classified in Texas as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). A large majority of states actually refer to it as Driving Under the Influence (DUI). However, there is a very significant difference between an offense in Texas for DWI vs. DUI. Regardless of the terminology, and also as a result of many prevailing misconceptions related to charges of DWI what elements constitute it being a criminal offense are very commonly misunderstood.

DWI Defense is very much a niche practice, the laws are always changing and evolving, which can result in many people being overwhelmed, worried, and scared subsequent to being arrested for DWI. It is the criminal offense that no doubt usually an individual who has never been arrested or been involved with law enforcement before can find themselves trying to understand and comprehend the nature of the proceedings, and how best to proceed and how the best approach to handle the case should be. An arrest and a possible conviction for a DWI charge in Texas can carry very steep and severe penalties and punishment which can result, and it also can cause a person to harbor a certain social stigma from being put in the position of having to navigate through the Texas criminal justice system.

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(469) 900-0000