What Is The Definition Of Aggravated Assault Under Texas State Law?
Most people don’t really realize that an assault, under Texas law, can be a class C assault. It can be offensive touching of some sort. But an aggravated assault charge specifically is when someone uses some form of deadly weapon or something that could be used in the commission of an assault. An aggravated assault can be charges when someone uses a firearm, baseball bat, or something that could be construed as a deadly weapon. They’d have to use that deadly weapon in the course of committing the actual assault.
What Is The Difference Between Bodily Injury And Serious Bodily Injury In Texas?
Serious bodily injury (SBI) usually results from aggravated assault. It would be something where genuine medical records are reviewed, and the serious bodily injury creates a substantial risk that causes death, serious permanent disability, or disfigurement. Thus, it has to be something serious, and medical records are generally relied upon to prove serious bodily injury. If serious bodily injury is found, it enhances the degree of the offense by one level. Typically, aggravated assault without serious bodily injury would be a secondary felony, but if it’s aggravated assault where serious bodily injury occurs, then it would be a first-degree felony.
Is An Assault Charge Automatically Aggravated If The Victim Is a Police officer?
An Assault charge does not automatically become aggravated if the victim is a police officer, unless it is an aggravated assault due to use of a deadly weapon. However, an assault on a police officer or anyone in an official capacity is a felony. For example, if a police officer who is trying to make an arrest gets hit by the person they are arresting, that is considered a felony.
If A Deadly Weapon Is Used Will The Assault Charge Be Aggravated?
If the weapon is classified as a deadly weapon, then it would be that is the exact definition of aggravated assault. But it could be construed differently. For instance, one person might not think that a baseball bat is a deadly weapon. Some people might have an aggravated assault case where the car is used as the deadly weapon. For example, if someone is trying to leave a scene of an accident and while driving off to leave they hit someone, they could be charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, the car being the deadly weapon. Therefore, the weapon itself rises and causes a charge to be aggravated as long as it is construed to cause death or permanent disfigurement.
Do You Recommend Voluntary Counseling Such As Anger Management To Clients?
I do not generally recommend voluntary counseling such as anger manager to clients, unless the client feels like they need it. I think of things legally. However, I did have a client once that I ended up getting not guilty at his trial because I felt he had a good case. Honestly, even though he was guilty of the assault, I felt and believed that the state couldn’t prove it. But, he openly told me that he felt like he had a problem with it, and would also be charged with the offense again in the future if he didn’t receive some kind of help to help him cope with his anger and frustration. In that case, they could do and anger management or what’s called a bit batterers intervention program. That would be an incentive, but outside that, just preemptively doing it if the person really feels like they need it, I’m very much on board in that situation.
So, if a client really wants to participate in a program because they feel as if they could be charged again if they don’t get help, I am not against them getting the help they need. However, sometimes it is a bad idea to participate in a program if it is not necessary. It sort of lets the D.A., judges, or police know that it’s not rocket science that an individual is arrested for this charge. And, at the very least, they are just making sure that it’s not going to happen again.
For more information on Aggravated Assault Charges In Texas, a free consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (469) 900-0000 today.

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